Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Days

For the last 4 - 5 months Jennie and I have been carrying on secret conversations (Patty thinks it was secret combinations as she was completely left out of the loop.) Jen & Jeff and I have been planning their trip to the Philippines for several months. It has been difficult keeping it a secret as I wanted to tell everyone I knew that they were coming. Alas, I had to savor my excitement in silence. One challenge I faced was how to get Patty to the airport at 11:55 PM on a Monday night and not draw suspicion? I had to involve others. I asked help from the secretary to the DTA (Director for Temporal Affairs), the man we report to and the man who oversees the temporal work in the Philippines. I let her know of our daughter's arrival and that it was a surprise to Patty. I asked her if she could send me an email asking us to pick up a guest arriving from Salt Lake City. I suggested she say he missed a connection that would have put him here at 12:00 noon (the time visitors usually arrive from the USA) and that due to the late hour no one else was available and for security reasons he should not just take a taxi from the airport. I forwarded the email to Patty and, as I knew she would, she said, "Ya, whatever we are needed to do." The guest we were to pick up was "Brother Walton". The last name needed to begin with a "W" as waiting families meet the arriving travelers in areas designated by last names.
While we were waiting Patty kept asking what Brother Walton looks like, how will we recognize him, how will he know we are there to pickup him. I answered that we look for a white face wearing a white shirt and tie, and, if we don't see him first I'm sure he will recognize us in our name tags. We waited and waited and waited and no Mr. Walton. Patty decided we needed a sign for Mr. Walton so she got a piece of paper and wrote "WALTON" in big bold letters and had me stand up on a bench and hold the sign up high. Oh, the things I had to do to keep this surprise alive???
Finally I saw Jen and Jeff descending the ramp, then they saw me.......I glanced at Patty and she was still scanning the crowd, looking for Brother Walton. Finally when they were about 15 feet away Patty's face went blank and she was speechless, only the 3rd time I've witnessed that in almost 30 years. It was obvious I had pulled it off.
The next several days were great spending time with Jen and Jeff, showing them around, letting them see what we have seen and experience some of the things we have experienced. It was a highlight of our mission. Stay tuned for more details and photos.


the fellers said...

how great is that? What a great surprise for Aunt Patty!

Diane said...

What a great surprise. Patty is hard to surprise so that must have been so sweet. What a lovely Mother's Day idea.

tracie said...

I would have loved to see the look on Aunt Patty's face! I bet it was so fun to spend a couple weeks with them.

J & P Gibb said...

I like to think that I don't miss details. Maybe I am getting old and too trusting of my husband. He likes to laugh while I am so surprised I break into the ugly cry. Diane did Audrey win her election?